Stiegelmeyer Topics

Modern concepts to satisfy many requirements

Beds for psychiatric care

We offer beds for

  • Geriatric psychiatry
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry
  • Psychosomatic medicine
  • Special requirements (e.g. prison hospitals, forensic medicine)

Safety, a feeling of security, and easy handling, even in difficult situations – these are the requirements for beds in psychiatric facilities. The beds must be designed to withstand greater physical demands than other medical products as well as provide protection and a comfortable, homelike feel, where this contributes perceptibly to the healing process.
Stiegelmeyer offers convincing solutions to meet these needs. Discover the tailor-made beds we can provide for your psychiatric care facility.

Our beds for psychiatric facilities

Child and adolescent psychiatry

Meeting the needs of children and adolescents experiencing mental disorders

Psychosomatic medicine

Special requirements – Prisons

Meeting requirements for areas with special security needs