Convincing solutions for all hospital units

Hospital beds

Hospital beds need to fulfil a wide range of tasks and withstand high stresses. Intuitive operation, good manoeuvrability and reliable hygiene are decisive strengths in the everyday routine. Models such as our Puro and our Evario satisfy so many requirements that they are suitable for almost every hospital unit. Hospital beds from Stiegelmeyer are visually and intelligently convincing on every level with their smart and attractive design, the many equipment options and their excellent hygiene properties. When it comes to machine washability, our company has been a technical pioneer for over 40 years.

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Developed for complex requirements

Convincing solutions for all hospital units

Safety, a feeling of security and easy handling, even in difficult situations


Safety, a feeling of security and easy handling, even in difficult situations – these are the requirements for beds in psychiatric facilities. The beds must withstand more physical demands than other medical products in order to protect patients and caregivers from injury. Dispensing with motorised drives further increases safety, but the mechanical operation of the bed must not be strenuous in any way.

Psychiatric beds overview

Beds for a good recovery


Through accidents and illnesses, people are often faced with major challenges in a medical rehabilitation. The body and the psyche must be retrained and integrated into a strange environment, because beds and furniture should provide patients and nurses with every possible support.

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Simple preparation of beds and bedside tables

Reliable hygiene

The danger posed by hospital germs, the protracted fight against the coronavirus pandemic and the increasingly rapid turnover of patients are all important reasons for opting for reliable reprocessing of medical products in hospitals. We offer products that lend themselves extremely well to both manual and automated reprocessing.

Individual automated process solutions

Smart Hospital

Each hospital has its own processes, technical requirements and structural features. The digital system MIO (Modular - Individual - Organised) establishes an independent activity-related process control based on your existing processes.